Thank you for your interest.
All of our photo sessions have been booked!
Please subscribe to our newsletter or follow us on social media to hear of similar opportunities in the future.
Thank you for your interest in participating in PEI’s Creative Portfolio.
To book your session, please choose a date then a time in the calendar at the bottom of this page, and submit your contact info and address when prompted.
Ideally we would like to group sessions by location to conserve fuel, time and costs. We reserve the right to re-schedule your session to streamline Stewart’s travel if you live or work in a more remote location.
There is no charge for the photos. However, if you are able to make a donation, any funds will go toward making financial assistance available to other artists and creators who need photos. It is our understanding that the market rate for a portrait session of this type is approximately $250. Sincere thanks if you are able to contribute any amount.
Here are some samples of Stewart’s efforts so far. In addition to headshots and photos of your work. We are looking for photos of creators engaged in the creative process as displayed below.